
Deploys user-specific makepkg configuration

Role dependencies

Role variables

List of default variables available in the inventory:

# User account
makepkg_user_name: johndoe

# Primary group
makepkg_user_group: nobodies

# Nickname
makepkg_user_nick: John Doe

# User email address
makepkg_user_email: john@do.es

# User ccache size
ccache_max_size: 10Gi

# User Makepkg directory
makepkg_dir: "~{{ makepkg_user_name }}/makepkg"

# Package destination
makepkg_pkgdest: "{{ makepkg_dir }}/packages"

# Source cache
makepkg_srcdest: "{{ makepkg_dir }}/sources"

# Source packages
makepkg_srcpkgdest: "{{ makepkg_dir }}/srcpackages"

# Logs
makepkg_logdest: "{{ makepkg_dir }}/logs"

# Platform - used by GCC to select the appropriate toolchain
# See:
# - https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=112331
# - https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-7.2.0/gcc/x86-Options.html
makepkg_platform: pc-linux-gnu